Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Disciplined Lifestyle

Establishing good eating habits is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Making consistent bad choices, over time can lead to chronic health problems.

Remember that by his stripes we are healed.  

Isaiah: 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 

This is when we need our faith.
Romans: 10:17: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

In our carnal mind it is easy to blame others or even past circumstances for our bad choices.
It is here, where most of us fall into that viscous cycle of eating the wrong foods and over eating in general. Taking responsibility for ourselves will help us realizing that in our weakness God does his best work.  

2 Corinthians: 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me.

Our desires are at the center of our emotions. A person’s emotions influence their individual free will. The center of our emotions is referred to as our heart

Proverb: 4:23: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Learning to lean on God instead of our emotions to make the right choices will bring about lifestyle changes. This will help us to become healthy in our mind, body and spirit. 

The more we learn about how much GOD LOVES US; the more we will understand.  
Then we will want to seek God's blessings in all areas of our life

1John: 4:10: In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that HE LOVED US and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

This childhood prayer is a perfect prayer

God is great God is Good! 
Let Us Thank Him For Our Food 
By His Hands We Are Feed
Thank You God For Our Daily Bread

Roasted Garlic

I use my roaster almost every day

Just break off a few cloves or use the whole head. Add ½ teaspoon of olive oil. Pop into the microwave for 30 seconds. The pods will slip right out of their skins.

Roasting the Garlic gives it a mild wonderful flavor.

Here are some Health Benefits of adding Garlic to your diet.

Ajoene has also been shown to stop the spread of skin cancer cells when applied topically.

Compounds in garlic have been shown to prevent prostate cancer.  

Garlic may protect against colon cancer by protecting colon cells from toxins and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells if they do develop

The selenium and vitamin C found in garlic are also known to protect against colon cancer.

Research suggests garlic may decrease the ability of H. pylori to cause ulcers and stomach cancer

Research has shown that cooking garlic with meat reduces carcinogenic chemicals in cooked meat that are believed to be linked to breast cancer in meat-eating women

The allicin in garlic has been shown in some studies to promote weight loss in rats. 

The allicin in garlic has been shown to lower blood pressure. 

Garlic has been proven to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol
It has been shown to reduce the carcinogenic effects of asbestos exposure. 

It fights free radicals

It has been shown to reduce inflammation and pain in the body, making it beneficial for people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Cold and flu prevention: Because of its antiviral and antibacterial properties as well as its vitamin C content, garlic is a powerful agent against the common cold as well as the flu. 

It has been shown to fight the germs that cause tuberculosis. 

A component of garlic called diallyl disulfide has been shown to kill leukemia cells. 

It is a good source of vitamin B6. 

It has been shown to be an effective anti-fungal agent for treating yeast infections, vaginitis, and athlete's foot

Garlic has been shown to protect rats from diabetes complications such as retinopathy, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and neuropathy.

Another wonderful tool I use in my kitchen is my Misto Sprayer 

Made for the health-conscious offering an easy way to add flavor, use less oil and reduce calories and fat 

It is non-aerosol, so it promotes better health not only for you, but also for the environment. Simply add your favorite oil, lemon, lime, orange or even a combination of oil and juice

Holds 3-ounces of oil
Can be refilled again and again
Spray on pasta, pizza, salads, vegetables and more

Perfect for grilling, roasting, sauteing, and your non-stick cooking

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How much do you value discipline?

In this year of 2011 our Nation is in trouble because we have not used discipline to live within our means. We can not balance our budget so it was purposed to cut our military pay when their job is to protect and serve our Country. How ungrateful can we be? Are we also ungrateful to God who protects us and provides all our needs even when we are not as disciplined as we should be.
Being Thankful and showing it through our self discipline is REQUIRED of God
Discipline does matter!  It is needed to strengthen our FAITH and our FITNESS
God’s plans for us include discipline in physical exercise. Our bodies are the temple of God’s Holy Spirit. It is our reasonable responsibility to acknowledge and honor God by taking care of ourselves both spiritually and physically.

We feed ourselves spiritually on “God’s Word”

We feed ourselves physically on the wonderful foods God has provided for us.
Everything that passes through our lips to our stomach should first be acknowledged as a gift from God. It is the first step toward that valued discipline required of us.
Being thankful and acknowledging that all good gifts come from God,  will bring his blessings.
Psalms 92 verse 1-2
1) It is good to say “Thank You” to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods.
2) Every morning tell him “Thank You for your kindness,” and every evening rejoice in all his faithfulness.
It is spring and my garden already has plenty of fresh lettuce, radishes, asparagus, garlic chives with their beautiful purple eatable flowers.
I also have many other wonderful herbs. Theses herbs include oregano, sage, and lots of mint. We have been really enjoying mint tea with natural stevia as a sweetener. I usually grow stevia during the season, but buy it  already processed at the health food store and it is now available in most groceries stores
A healthy salad recipe can be a beautiful work of art and taste delicious at the same time. Begin with an attractive salad bowl and plenty of fresh greens. When using salad as the main course of a meal you might want to include grains, beans, artichoke, avocados, carrots, celery, broccoli and cauliflower, eggs and meat. Grilling your meat and vegetables can really make for that special salad. When used sparingly, parmesan, feta and blue cheese can really add a lot of flavor. Nuts (used sparingly also) such as walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin  add that extra little something.
Use a low fat dressing or even omit any dressing, so as to enjoy the true flavor of all your fresh ingredients.
Basic Dressing: 2 garlic cloves, peeled 6 tablespoons olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Variation of  Basic Dressing
2 T. Dijon mustard 1/2 C. olive oil 1/2 C. white wine vinegar 2 - 3 cloves garlic minced
Blend, all until combined.
Garlic-Sesame dressing
1 Tsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1 Tsp. sesame seeds for garnish
Warm oil in large skillet over medium-high heat,
Add garlic and stir until lightly browned, about 45 seconds.
Add greens toss until just wilted, 2 to 4 minutes.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all and May he bless you beyond measure in all things.  Amen

Friday, April 8, 2011

Healthy Priorities

Our Guidebook, the BIBLE can help us establish our priorities as we travel on this path to a healthier, happier lifestyle of faith and fitness.
 We need to organize our life according to God's Plans. He will show us his plans through reading his word and in prayer.
Our personal discipline for our mind, body and emotions will increase as we walk closer to God. Then we will be able to make wise choices of what, when and how much food we need to keep us healthy.

3rd John chp 1v 2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be healthy, even as thy soul prospereth

Calvin and I were pleasantly surprised as to how delicious this meal was.