Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lynn’s Faith and Fitness

This is the journey of a Christian woman, who is a Wife, Mother and Grandmother, that is determined to improve my physical, emotional and spiritual health. I have been saved since I was 9 yrs old and can say with some confidence that I am a mature Christian with a lot yet to learn. Most of the time I am a very happy outgoing person who loves life. My goal through all of this is to build my faith and trust in Christ Jesus

Ph'p:4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

I am in really good health with no bad cholesterol and no high blood pressure. There is just one little hitch, I am over weight and have been for years. At this level of maturity in my life it is time for me to honor God by presenting my self to others at a more desirable weight. I want to be an example for others to see Christ in me.
I WILL NOT BE DIETING but eating the freshest foods I can find and prepared in the most desirable ways. I WILL BE EXERCISING on a regular basis. My aim is set at becoming in a size 8 within 6 to 9 months. I will not be weighing or measuring inches but I will post when I go down in sizes. I will be trusting God to give me all the help I need.

When my oldest two children were two and four I moved as a military wife to Sicily, Italy. We lived in a village that was about 50 miles from the base and we were the only Americans living in the area. I needed something to do with my time and since there were so many fresh fruits and vegetables available I decided to learn how to prepare and cook many new dishes. There was no internet in those days so I borrowed every cookbook I could find from friends and the library and jumped right into learning about purple cauliflower, artichokes, blood oranges and such delicasies as truffles and squid. This did polish my skills and I became a very good cook.

These days my children are all grown and it is just me and my husband at the dinner table. We have been together 15 years and my husband says he has yet to eat the same thing cooked the same way in all these years. I still enjoy learning new ways of preparing our meals.

I will be sharing my adventure with you and it includes how I purchase or grow our food. I will be posting recipes and giving my reviews of how we enjoyed our meals and even when it is not so good, I will let you know. From time to time I will tell you of my progress in my weight loss.

Romans:12:1: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

I bought a little book and gave away several to friends called
Food, Fitness and Faith for Woman and there is also one for Men.
It is available @ Christian Bookstores and I found mine @ Sam’s Club
This book is set up for a 21 day journey and I encourage you to find it to help you if you too want to build your faith, loose weight and improve your health.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with with you all and May he bless you beyond measure in all things. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lynn, Great blog. Maybe you'll inspire some of us men to get more healthy in both a physical and spiritual way. Looking forward to following along on your journey. Thanks for posting the word of God: It reminds us that our physical bodies do belong to the Lord, they are His temple. Therefore, we ought to take care of His house. I'm going to check out the Food and Fitness book that you recommended.
    Love, your brother Barry
